Welcome to Tez Nebraska

Why does tzkt.io show "No data" for the payment information?

TezNebraska diverts any rewards, which would have otherwise gone to below-minimum delegators and over-delegators, to the valid delegators, instead of being diverted solely to the baker.  As a result, the actual payout amounts exceed the calculations used by tzkt.io for its Payout amounts indicator on the baker list.  This leads tzkt.io to show Tez Nebraska as "Inaccurate"  I opted to have the indicators set to "no data" instead of the inaccurate indicator.  I asked Baking Bad (the operators of tzkt.io) if they can revise the indicator so something positive is displayed if actual payouts exceed the default calculations.  Their response.  Baking Bad does have a useful website where you can see a history of payments from Tez Nebraska along with Baking Bad's estimate for each payout.  The listing also shows the estimates for future cycles. From the website main page, just enter your Tezos address and search. 

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